Sunday, June 01, 2014

Brain Cell

Not long after I first got started with mail art and joined the International Union of Mail Artists I received a curious - and beautifully lettered - envelope postmarked Japan. It was from Ryosuke Cohen. Inside the envelope was a large sheet of paper:

I didn't really understand it at the moment, but I was the recipient of a sheet from The Brain Cell mail art project. Artists from around the world send Cohen images of their rubber stamp art, artists stamps, and other art and Cohen assembles them into these limited editions of 150. I've received two so far. He also sends along a list of the contributors and I have a goal to work through the list, sending out art. (It will be a slow process!) I also contributed a few of my hand-carved stamps, so we'll see what edition they wind up on.

Here's the second edition I received.


Unknown said...

Dear Adrienne,
Thank you for your postcard! It was a very nice surprise to find in the mail. Currently, I am very busy preparing for a doll workshop I am holding in New Zealand but I will try my best to put a postcard in the mail for you before I leave. BTW, I love your quirky little guy with the rather large appendage lol! Have a nice day :o)

Adrienne Mason said...

Sound great, Sue. Connect when you have the time and inclination. And, lucky you, off to New Zealand. Our family "skipped out" when my children were 3 and 7 and spent 5 months in NZ. Loved it. Safe travels!