I have been thinking of switching up this blog for a long time now. It's always been a bit of a mishmash and since I rarely blog about writing anymore (even though I still am a writer and editor), I wanted a place more solely devoted to art, mail art, correspondence, and most of the things that this blog has become lately. Perhaps it's a bit of my "coming out" as an artist, actually giving myself permission to say the word, that led me to finally create this new blog. I've also been writing here since 2006 and, frankly, the platform is getting a bit dated and I can't do all that I'd like to. So, if you are one of my handful of followers, I hope you'll check out Adrienne Mason Art and perhaps even hang out with me over there, as I explore art (collage in particular), mail art, letter writing, postal history, the making of little accordion books, and more.
This blog isn't going anywhere, and there is still lots to look through, but it likely won't be updated all that often. Thanks for reading!