Showing posts with label Postelsia Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Postelsia Press. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


John Steinbeck wrote, "Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen." If you replace the word ideas with "blogs" or "websites" or "Twitter accounts" you will realize the dilemma I've been in for the last year or so. I am slightly overloaded with social media and it has pretty much stifled me to complete inaction. The time away has been good, but I'm ready to jump back in so I'm re-setting and re-activating my online presence in, I hope, a slightly more strategic way.

Part of the dilemma is that I have a pretty partitioned life. I have the side of me that writes books for children, the part of me that writes books for adults, the part of me that writes for museums and interpretive centres, the part of me that is passionate about all things Tofino and west coast history, the part of me that has a small publishing company with an amazing friend and artist, Marion Syme, the part of me that dabbles in art (you probably don't know that person yet). Okay, you get the picture. O v e r e x t e n d e d.

So, I'm determined to get this house (er, houses; and virtual at that) in order so that I can continue with blogging and posting and tweeting without getting hung up with whether I'm posting in the right place. Some blogs I am just going to ditch - without anyone ever really knowing - but others I'm going keep active. It's probably silly to think I need to partition everything off so much. I am who I am. To some people, I'm a writer of science books for children, to others I know a little bit about the history of the west coast, to others I'm a bit publisher. It doesn't really matter. I'm all of those things. So let's get back at it. But first, just so we have a record of where everything is at present, here's the list. Amalgamations probably coming soon (but this site will stay active). My primary website. Postelsia Press, the little publishing house I run with Marion Syme. For all things Long Beach, visit here and for all things Tofino, check out The Heart of Tofino. My primary Twitter feed will be Tough City Writer and you can find me on Instagram under the handle, you guessed it, toughcitywriter.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Events During Whale Fest

Today is the first day of the Pacific Rim Whale Festival. I'm often out of town for these week, but this year I'm staying put and I'll be busy reading from a few of my books. Here's where you can find me:

Today! Saturday, March 17 12:30-4 at the Taste of Tofino Community Market. Marion and I will be there with our table for Postelsia Press. We're delighted that our long-awaited book, Historic Tofino: A Walk in Time, is now out.

Sunday, March 18 - 3:30 pm Wild Heather Books in Ucluelet. I'll be reading from a few of my books, including Tales from the West Coast, West Coast Adventures and the soon-to-be-released Long Beach Wild.

Wednesday, March 21, 12:30-1:30 pm at Long Beach Lodge in Tofino I'll be reading from Long Beach Wild: A Celebration of People and Place on Canada's Rugged Western Shore.

Sunday, March 25 at 10:30, I'll be leading a guided historical tour of Tofino. This tours based on Historic Tofino: A Walk in Time and we'll have books on hand to sell. Meet on the deck of the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust office at 316 Main Street in Tofino.

Hope to see you at one or more events!