Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 09, 2012

The Joy of Books

The Joy of Books, indeed. What happens in your local bookstore at night?

This is what the owners of Type wrote re. the video:
After organizing our bookshelf almost a year ago (, my wife and I decided to take it to the next level. We spent many sleepless nights moving, stacking, and animating books at Type bookstore in Toronto. Everything you see here can be purchased at Type Books. Grayson Matthews generously composed the beautiful, custom music. But none of it could have been done without all the volunteer hands who shelved and reshelved books all night, every night.

Thanks to Patricia Storm via Quill and Quire.

Monday, January 02, 2012

A Book Cover Love Story

Such a great short film for bibliophiles (and lovers of bookstores, cheesy love stories, Paris, fabric art and such). (Disclaimer: The last few minutes aren't for children!)

Spike Jonze: Mourir Auprès de Toi on

You can read more about how the film, Mourir Auprès de Toi, came to be over at director Spike Jonze's site.

Thanks, once again, to the fabulous Brainpicker for putting me onto this. You should subscribe to her feeds and support her. Really. Her compiling of all things fabulous is so good.)