Tuesday, May 29, 2007

KNOW Nominated for Western Magazine Award

KNOW has been short-listed in the Best New Magazine category of the Western Magazine Awards. As well, the wonderful Howie Woo has been short-listed in the Best Illustration/Illustrated Feature category for his great spread, Leonardo's Workshop, which was in Issue 51 (March/April 2006) of YES Mag. The awards ceremony is June 22nd in Vancouver. Wish us luck!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Spring Book Hatching!
The Children's Writers and lllustrators of BC are hosting a "Spring Book Hatching" June 9th from 1-3 at the Alice McKay Room at the Vancouver Public Library. Thirty-three writers and illustrators, including moi, will be launching their latest books. We'll each have tables for signings and visitings, as well as displays, free give-aways, and, perhaps, activities. Kids can grab a free passport in which they can gather author signatures. There will be book draws, door prizes, and snacks (including chocolate). It sounds like it will be a lively event. Hope to see you there!