Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wednesday Round Up

Last week I did the "Wednesday" round-up on Tuesday so this week I will post it on Thursday. Keep you guessing. It's been a slow mail week. Well, a pathetic show of mail received (ahem), but I've been sending a lot out. Other than a letter from ever faithful Guido, which I have yet to scan, there's been nothing other than bills, which is a bit discouraging given my output. I live in eternal hope, however, and I do get a lot of joy out of sending. I did several small collages last weekend as we were on another quick road trip. I commandeered the back seat and was happy with my scissors and glue stick (well, not so happy when we were stuck in traffic because of an accident and I'd run out of card stock). It's great when your teenagers are able to drive. Really. It is.

Here are a few of those collages:

I haven't sent this one out yet. I probably need to send it to someone I know or someone who will not get twisted out of shape because of the odd little creature with the fairly large "appendage." If you'd like it, email me or leave a comment with your address and it's yours! (Offer good for one week. No takers by next Thursday and I'll decide where it goes.)

This is a new style for me. I made a few layers with different bits of tissue then gave it a mask of gesso. The top layers include packing tape image transfers and a few rubber stamps I cut. 


Penny said...

Hi, Adrienne. I love all your collages and am not easily offended :D. I sent you one of my collaged post cards at the end of May...did you not receive it? I will send a replacement if that is a case as I do want to continue with our artful correspondence. Take care and have a sunny day :)

Adrienne Mason said...

Hi Penny,
Yes I did receive your card, thanks. I have a stack of cards/letters to respond to and yours is very close to the top. I will send you this one, but would you rather be surprised? Either way, I'll try to get something in the post tomorrow.

Penny said...

Hi again, Adrienne! I have had things get lost in the mail, so am happy to hear my PC did arrive. Surprises are fabulous, but I will leave that choice to you. :)

Jenny said...

Hi Adrienne,
Always love your art and how you create vintage and give it a contemporary feel. Nice work!

Working on collage today to send out to you.I'm just a bit behind with everything lately:)

Anonymous said...

Also, I love the one with the "appendage" if you haven't decided on a home for it. I'd be happy to reciprocate!
Jeanne Kasten
443 E Loula Apt. A
Olathe, KS 66061 USA

Adrienne Mason said...

Sorry for the delay, everyone. I usually get notifications of comments, but didn't get three of these. Penny, you should have a card by now. And, Jenny, looking forward to hearing from you! Jeanne, the "appendage card" is gone, but I'll send you another surprise in Monday's mail. Thanks for visiting (and commenting), everyone!

Karen Isaacson said...

what a great bunch of collages! oh how I wish I could collage in the car. I get dreadfully motion sick unless my eyes are glued to the road, so I'm almost always the driver.

Adrienne Mason said...

Hi Karen, I had dreadful car sickness as a child, but it seems to have abated (except when I was pregnant). There are still sections of the long and windy road to Tofino that I can't have my head down on, but the straight stretches seem to be okay. It's nice to be able to keep busy on the long stretches of driving. Have a great Sunday. Rainy here, so I may finally get out the gelli plate and give it a try. You're wonderful prints are an inspiration.