Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Getting Back on Track...

Surprisingly, I've had a few comments on my blog lately. This has me mightily excited and wondering why people are wading in now and choosing to comment. Regardless, it's been a good kick in the butt to get me going again. Suffice to say, I've been swamped with work and school and, ahem, trying to be the nice-parent-who-seems-to-be-in-control-but-is-just-on-the-verge-of-losing-it. (Oh, did I mention that we were having a door that wouldn't close probably fixed yesterday and it's not morphed into ripping apart one corner of our house?) School ends in a month or so, and then I hope to be back on track with some regular posting and reviews. For now, though, I give you this website. My goodness. Is that fabulous or what? (I have website envy. Me thinks my website might need an overhaul (and an artist*).) I have several Shaun Tan books in the bookshelf right above my desk. They stare at me daily, begging to be read and read and written about. In Canada, Tan is published by Simply Read books, who is doing so many innovative books I fear daily for their survival. I loaded up on their books at last year's Word on the Street. I regularly cull my children's book shelves for books to donate to the free shelf at the local elementary. I dare say that Simply Read books will ever go in that cull pile. The quality and innovation is so high.

* Speaking of artists... I've always had a couple in the house — my children are pretty talented (no bias there) — but imagine my delight when this painting arrived in my home. It the first painting my husband has ever done and is the product of a weekend painting workshop I gave him for Christmas. I was even more excited when he spent the day after arriving home painting another one. The boy needs to relax and (once said house is put back together) I hope he keeps this painting thang up.

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