Monday, November 08, 2010

Many Moons Ago, We Started KNOW . . .

[Cover art by Bill Slavin.]

The latest issue of KNOW is out. The theme for this issue — our 29th — is moons. Not just Earth's Moon, but the other moons in our solar system, too. Over 60 "moons ago" we started KNOW. It's hard to believe I started with Peter Piper Publishing in August 2005. The Jan/Feb 2011 issue will be our 30th and we're celebrating our fifth birthday. Just like the astronauts on this issue's cover, bouncing along in their Moon buggy, it's been a great ride.

If you haven't checked out KNOW, I hope you'll do so. I am, of course, totally biased, but I would argue that you would be hard pressed to find more value for your buck in a children's magazine.

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