Saturday, October 13, 2007

Second Hand Score: Georgie

Halloween's a comin' and what better way to celebrate than to dust off this score I picked up for 25 cents. I remember Georgie by Robert Bright from when I was a kid. It was published by Scholastic in 1944 (the cover price then was 45 cents), and it has that very nostalgic feel to it -- single colour line art (blue) and fairly child-like art. Who can resist a town where every house has its own ghost in the attic? Georgie was having a gay-ol' time "spooking" the Whittakers, in a gentle sort of way, where spooking means creaking a loose floor board and a squeaky door so the Whittakers would know it's time for bed. Oooooh, scary. Life changes though, when Georgie has to look for a new home because Mr. Whittaker has decided to get out his Mr. Fix-it Kit and repair the floor board and oil the door hinge. Poor Georgie needs to find a new house to spook. Of course I won't spoil the ending and you can find your own copy!

Here's a peek inside.

Author and illustrator Robert Bright went on to create 12 more Georgie books after this initial offering -- Georgie and the Robbers, Georgie and the Little Dog, Georgie and the Magician, etc.

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