Tuesday, January 27, 2015

On The Table

Found some time this weekend for some art making and letter/card writing. Here are a few of the results:

Monotone (sort of) Collage. At times (a lot of times) I am overwhelmed by the amount of paper I have kicking around so it's nice to limit the palette from time to time.
The wrestler didn't scan well. He's sepia, not olive, in colour! 

An envelope sent to me by Phillip of Envelope 100. I've had it for quite awhile now, trying to decide who to send it to. I finally found the answer. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Feeling the Rightness

Rightness, not righteousness. 

Yes,  I'm still here. Some personal things in the great adventure called life have slowed me down a bit; I won't bog you down with details. I've found collaging my way through it all very therapeutic. When I spend time collaging I try not to over think what I do. It's a meditative, perhaps intuitive?, process for me. I just move things around until the composition feels right and then I get the glue stick out. Nick Bantock talks about composition in The Trickster's Hat (one of my favourites and I'm currently working through a few exercises): "Composition is really hard to teach, mainly because balance is innate. Yes, there are mathematical rules  of harmony and the golden mean can be measured, but the real acid test is not geometrics - it's purely a matter of whether you can feel the rightness of something in relationship to its surroundings. Do you internally "know" when something is right or when it is just off?"

If you are waiting for mail from me, I'm back in the saddle and hope to be caught up soon. Thanks for your patience. And I'm drowning a bit in small collages; I may give some away…stay tuned.

In the meantime, here are a few new works.

I am slightly addicted to photo transfers. Loving this cigar man. 
Danger lurks around blind corners...
I am going to be very sad when I run out of those blank cheques.