Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lu & Clancy Go to Hong Kong

Fun to receive these copies of Lu and Clancy in the mail. They've been translated into Complex Chinese by Sun Ya Publications of Hong Kong.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Canada Children's Book Week Moving to Spring

Many of you may have been on the receiving or delivering end of the Canadian Children's Book Week. News from the Canadian Children's Book Centre this week is that they are moving the event from fall to spring. The press release explains it all, but weather seems to have played a big part. Moving authors around Canada in November can be problematic at times. This change means no Book Week in 2010, but it will be back May 201..

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Future of Publishing?

You may have already seen this, but it is very clever. (I have a long list of posts to get up soon. Yes, soon!)